The self proclaimed "Foodie"

The self proclaimed "Foodie"
Don't Talk About It, Be About It

About Me

My photo
Uptwon Baby, New York, United States
Sassy chic with great sense of humor...if you're funny that is ;p Born in the Dominican Republic but raised in New York. I love love love fav bar is the Snickers, you bring me one of those and I'm your friend. #1 motto "Don't Talk About it, Be About it"

Monday, April 19, 2010

Don's just talk about it, TAKE ACTION, and Be About it!

Sometimes we dream of so many things we want out of our lives, so many things we wish to accomplish some day, but how do we get there? As I get older and learn more about business and management, I realize that it is very important to write down your goals and actually set out an ACTION PLAN to accomplish them. Below are some of my top goals in no specific order:

1. Market Researcher in the food industry
2. Own my own home
3. Get married
4. Continue enriching my life experiences

Goal 1: Market Researcher in the food industry

My vision to be involved with food has been with me since I was probably 8 years old and would watch Julia Child after school instead of cartoons. I've always been fascinated by food, perhaps because early on my mom inspired me on the subject. It's taken me a while to form a career vision, and it just came upon me this semester. Upon graduating I plan to embark on my journey to become a researcher in the food industry. Below are some of the steps I'm currently taking and plan to take to make this vision a realization.

1. I've been reading, talking about, watching anything to do with food for at least 2 decades.

2. I've taught myself to cook various cuisines and have learned the basics on what flavors go best together and what foods are best for certain seasons and occasions.

3. I plan to get my foot in the door some where anywhere at the Food Network company via some kind of internship. I feel this company's values align very well with my own. They promote a sense of family which reminds me of how I was introduced to food and cooking.

4. I plan to get my MBA with a concentration in research marketing.

Goal 2: Own my own home

Owning my own home is an important goal to me because of things I picture in my mind of happening in my own home. I picture having a massive kitchen where I can cook and entertain in simultaneously. I picture a sweet hammock in the back yard where I can decompress after a long day. I sense the smell of great barbecues on any given night of the week. I picture having friends and family over for warm get-togethers with enough room for people to sleep over if need be. This goal takes a lot mentally and financially, but I'll get there.

1. Right now I'm making sure I maintain a great credit score by paying my bills on time, not having two many credit cards, and saving money from each check.

2. I plan to do extensive research on what it takes to fix up a home. I don't mind buying a home that needs a little re-doing if it means saving a bit on the price.

3. I plan to take my time in organizing and looking for furniture and accessories that meet my needs and wants.

4. I plan to buy a home I can actually afford and not have to struggle each month to cover the mortgage and jack up my credit.

Goal 3: Get married

Ok so who calls getting married a goal??? I certainly do! I've always known I want someone swinging on the porch with me besides a pet. Getting married in my opinion is not something to go into lightly so it takes proper action planning.

1. I have dated and have learned a lot about myself and who I want to share my time, my dreams, and my loyalty with.

2. Right now I'm with someone who I truly admire, respect and love.

3. I plan to continue dating this person and having the serious talks about money, commitment, children, in-laws, day-to-day responsibilities, and make sure we have some kind of semblance of opinions in those topics.

4. I DEFINITELY plan to live with this person prior to getting married. I'm a firm believer of testing the car before you buy it!

5. I plan on having an affordable well planned and thought out wedding. I don't need fanciness, just need GOOD FOOD...LOL

Goal 4: Continue enriching my life experiences

I love to learn! I like the feeling when you discover something new and it makes you want to know more about it. I truly believe that when you keep learning and challenging yourself you only enrich your life even more. You discover new shades of yourself and even new strengths you had no clue were there. Two of my passions in life are FOOD of coarse and dancing. I have loved dancing since I was 3 or 4 years old.

1. I plan to take cooking classes to learn professional techniques. I like perfecting what I enjoy doing.

2. I plan on taking many many dance lessons: Tango, Salsa, and Ballroom to mention a few.

3. I plan on taking art studio classes. Art has always been a turn on for me. It's a great thing to know anything can be art and so many people can interpret it differently.

So there you have it boys and girls...My Top Goals.
