The self proclaimed "Foodie"

The self proclaimed "Foodie"
Don't Talk About It, Be About It

About Me

My photo
Uptwon Baby, New York, United States
Sassy chic with great sense of humor...if you're funny that is ;p Born in the Dominican Republic but raised in New York. I love love love fav bar is the Snickers, you bring me one of those and I'm your friend. #1 motto "Don't Talk About it, Be About it"

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Lead and I Shall Follow

If you wish to lead me through the way
Let me show you the groundwork to be laid
Entice my eye with great precision
So I too can share your colorful vision

Lend me your charisma and I promise
Loyalty and trust will never be amiss
On this great big ship
Be the captain that celebrates my many gifts
Open my eyes, go ahead and delegate
Careful, don't forget to stimulate

Integrity must be key
If you wish me to believe
Should this all be laid out
I'm your follower without a doubt

Thursday, May 13, 2010

To Blog or Not to Blog?

So I have to admit our blogging component has left me a bit empty. I totally get the idea of having us do something more practical. But for me something was missing. I enjoy writing by nature so when I initially learned about the blogging requirement I was excited. I think what I missed was the spontaneity that comes from blogging. Because we had specific topics to write about, it felt more like homework, which it was, than "blogging".

1. I didn't really connect with the people I blogged with. For me it felt forced, so outside of the blog I didn't really speak to them in class. Oddly enough I didn't blog with people I actually spoke to in class. I don't know why but I just missed the connection between the blog and the physicality of the class.

2. The blog did get me to think about the different concepts I learned in class. It was also interesting to see what others thought and how they interpreted things.

3. I felt your blogs were interesting, but I think you need to stress more that we need to read them. I also feel you should require students to follow your blog upon setting up their blog. It keeps it in their face.

4. It was definitely an easy way to earn 20% of your grade. I much prefer something of this nature over exams where I just memorize information only to forget it the second I walk out of class.

5. Sadly I doubt I will continue to blog. I will use a tired but sincerely honest phrase: I don't have time. I've actually tried blogging on my own, but I always forget to log on and keep up with it.

I think you should definitely keep the blogging component. However I feel it needs to be some how tied in more with the actual class. Maybe take 5 or 10 mins to ask student in class what blogs they found interesting. I know I know that's the point of the blog, to comment on other's work. But for me, I just would have preferred more of a connection. Actually it just dawned on me what was missing on the blog: YOU. It has crossed my mind in the last few days that you never comment on our blogs. WHY? I think for me that would have made a big difference in my interest to blog.

Who Am I Really?

I feel tests like the Personal Profile System should be taken with a grain of salt. One thing these tests don't take into account is how well different personalities mesh with others. For instance someone could be profiled as a leader, but if people don't like them for a b or c reason, they won't respect their leadership. Whether you've been profiled as a D, I, C, or S, how you interact with certain personalities will affect your leadership style.

Perception is a funny thing. How you see yourself will never match up 100% to how others see you. I took this test from the professional perspective. I wanted to see how I would be perceived at work. I failed though to realize that I was answering many of the questions within the constraint of my current position, administrative assistant. Since my role itself does not allow much autonomy, I found myself answering the questions in a more passive manner. I expected to be closer to a "D" profile, but instead was profiled as a "C". After looking at the tendencies and desires of a "C" I agreed I possess most of them. However, when I looked at "D", I also felt I possessed many of those traits as well.

In my life outside of work I tend to be more of a leader. I like to be in charge or at least have a say in anything I'm involved with. Am I a control freak? Absolutely not. But I do like to voice my opinions and I'm not afraid to go against the status quo. Although I expected to be a "D" I don't feel bad about being a "C". I think there are many jobs that require different profiles over others. I do however think I have the potential to become a "D" because it's something that I lean towards in my life outside of work.

Overall, I feel this kind of testing would be helpful to assessing someone's leadership / management style. But, I feel it should only be a supplement to scenario testing. If I were using this as a hiring tool, I would give the test, and see what profile is leaned towards. I would then place the applicant in scenarios that test the accuracy of the profile they've been given.