The self proclaimed "Foodie"

The self proclaimed "Foodie"
Don't Talk About It, Be About It

About Me

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Uptwon Baby, New York, United States
Sassy chic with great sense of humor...if you're funny that is ;p Born in the Dominican Republic but raised in New York. I love love love fav bar is the Snickers, you bring me one of those and I'm your friend. #1 motto "Don't Talk About it, Be About it"

Thursday, May 13, 2010

To Blog or Not to Blog?

So I have to admit our blogging component has left me a bit empty. I totally get the idea of having us do something more practical. But for me something was missing. I enjoy writing by nature so when I initially learned about the blogging requirement I was excited. I think what I missed was the spontaneity that comes from blogging. Because we had specific topics to write about, it felt more like homework, which it was, than "blogging".

1. I didn't really connect with the people I blogged with. For me it felt forced, so outside of the blog I didn't really speak to them in class. Oddly enough I didn't blog with people I actually spoke to in class. I don't know why but I just missed the connection between the blog and the physicality of the class.

2. The blog did get me to think about the different concepts I learned in class. It was also interesting to see what others thought and how they interpreted things.

3. I felt your blogs were interesting, but I think you need to stress more that we need to read them. I also feel you should require students to follow your blog upon setting up their blog. It keeps it in their face.

4. It was definitely an easy way to earn 20% of your grade. I much prefer something of this nature over exams where I just memorize information only to forget it the second I walk out of class.

5. Sadly I doubt I will continue to blog. I will use a tired but sincerely honest phrase: I don't have time. I've actually tried blogging on my own, but I always forget to log on and keep up with it.

I think you should definitely keep the blogging component. However I feel it needs to be some how tied in more with the actual class. Maybe take 5 or 10 mins to ask student in class what blogs they found interesting. I know I know that's the point of the blog, to comment on other's work. But for me, I just would have preferred more of a connection. Actually it just dawned on me what was missing on the blog: YOU. It has crossed my mind in the last few days that you never comment on our blogs. WHY? I think for me that would have made a big difference in my interest to blog.


  1. I think it was really helpful reading other people's blogs. It so interesting to see all the different angels on the same problem. I also think the blog allowed us to express us in a way that might not have been possible in class. I agree with you that there could have been more talk about the blogs in class, and maybe discussions around other peoples blogs. Too bad you don't feel you have time to blog:/ I think it's such a great tool to ventilate your opinions, and get the chance to get instant feedback from people.

  2. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but you're right about Prof K not commenting on the blogs. That would have brought it to another level. Personally, I am very shy and reserved so I never talked to him in class. It would have been a good way to be able to communicate and have some sort of dialogue with him through the blogs. It is sometimes easier for people to be more open with their thoughts online than face-to-face.

  3. I agree that Professor K. should comment on our blogs. It feels like it's an assignment that he doesn't get to see until you finish it like homework. I definitely learned a lot when reading other people blogs, it help me realize that there are different interpretations of the activities we did in class. I sadly won't have time to continue blogging too.

  4. You know, I never even thought about the fact that Professor Kurpis should have commented on our blogs, until you brought it up. That is a very interesting idea and should maybe be done in future semesters of teaching this class. I also agree on the fact that I also never really connected to those in class who I had blogged with, sadly enough.

  5. Candice: It seems like lack of time is a main thing among students at Baruch. And I honestly understand where that comes from:working full time, going to school full time leave us with little time to dedicate to other activities. Perhaps the professor should leave the decision of how much the blog is worth it to the students, on the sense that some have more time to do it than others.
